it had something to do with theory at the rietveld and us being there, 2018
my brother two years ago
forever jan
wat ik het liefste zou willen zijn, 2016
debutantenbal 2019: forged a new flyer for Camille Picquot's 'a thin line between fact and fiction' exhibition in de Brakke Grond
islands (or: my first experiments with photoshop) 2016
opening expo in (my) backspace, May 2019, Amsterdam
burgerservice(number), 2017
i researched burgers
collaboration I did for Rietveld Uncut in the Stedelijk, 2019
caging the sun, 2017
inside of a coffee cup i made
some more stuff, curating etc.
grote glazen heel lang geleden rest in power Julio <3